A Beautiful Glass, the new, original musical by the critically acclaimed A Theatre Near U, is an honest, boisterous and surprisingly uplifting story about suicide and supernovas. Justin Capps has given himself the impossible task of “curing suicide.” His fanatical drive to fulfill this dream has caused everyone else to think he’s nuts. In fact, the only person to take his quest seriously is the girl behind the telescope, the girl hunting supernovas, the girl named George.
Is the glass half full or half empty? Why ask? It’s a beautiful glass.
WHEN: June 10 – June 25, 2016
Performances at two venues
SHOW TIMES: In Mountain View Fri. June 10, 7:30pm followed by an opening night reception; Sat. June 11, 7:30pm; Sat. June 18, 7:30pm, Sun. June 19, 2pm; Thurs.-Sat., June 23-25, 7:30pm.
In San Francisco Wed.-Fri., June 15-17, 8:00pm
WHERE: Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, SecondStage. Located at 500 Castro Street (corner of Castro & Mercy streets) in downtown Mountain View and The Magic Theatre in San Francisco. Located at Fort Mason Center at the intersection of Marina Blvd. and Buchanan Street, Building D, 3rd Floor.
For songs click here:
‘Twas Brillig

A THEATRE NEAR U presents the raucous and irreverent teen musical, ‘TWAS BRILLIG starring a troupe of triple-threat teen performers. In this off-beat comedy, plucky Mary Pickett steps through a doorway and finds herself in the land of Wonder mere hours before the coronation of a new Queen is set to commence. Trouble is, it is Mary the lunatics intend to crown, and, well frankly, she isn’t so keen on that. Will she capitulate? Who will she decapitate? And will it all happen before brillig?
June 12 – June 27, 2015
at The Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, SecondStage.
For the album click here: